【 TIE Award 】

The TIE Award is back, and today we will like to share 4 key factors about why the TIE award is highly recommended to startups and research institutions.
1. Opportunities to cooperate with Taiwan’s semiconductor companies
✅ The judges are from the semiconductor and green-tech industries and the winning teams may become potential partners. Members of the review committee include representatives from Taiwan’s semiconductor industry, professionals in the related field, and government experts.
2. Marketing Resources
✅ Winners will also receive a free booth at Taiwan Innotech Expo (Oct.12-14), both the physical event and online platform; as well as Taiwan Startups coworking space at a discounted rate.
3. Visitation Subsidies
✅Overseas winners will be provided partial subsidies for airfare tickets and hotel rooms for up to 2 people per winning team.
and last but not least,
4. Awards and Prizes
🥇USD 30,000 for the first prize winner
🥈USD 20,000 for the second prize winner
🥉USD 10,000 for the third prize winner
🎖USD 7,000 for 3 special awards
(from 2 categories, 12 winners in total)